Ma Glacière

Dans la salle de francais nous avons appris le vocabulaire d’objets pour les pieces. Nous devions choisir une piece et nommer 15 objets dans la piece. J’ai choisi ” The Ice Cream Parlor”. J’ai aussi compose un petit quiz sur Google Form de 10 questions et les eleves devaient faire le quiz. Voici mon petit quiz avec le photo de ma glacière.

Le Menu de Mon Restaurant

Pendant notre temps libre durant la classe de français, nous avons cree un menu de restaurant. J’ai nomme mon restaurant Aimer. Mon restaurant est végétarien. Il y a 4 sections sur mon menu: amuses gueules, plats principals, desserts, et boissons.

Voici mon menu:

Les Directions

Dans notre classes de français nous avons appris les directions. J’ai créé un “slide show” et j’ai trouvé une carte sur l’Internet. Après je devais écrire cinq phrases qui expliquaient les directions sur ma carte. Voici ma présentation.

My Ecology Footprint

Can you believe that if everyone lived like me, we would need 3.1 Earths? Can you believe that Canada has one of the largest footprints on Earth?

Lately in the social studies class we learned about ecological footprints, issues of sustainability, and how to reduce our footprint. We did a quiz on the site footprint calculate.

Here are my results from those questions:

Then, we needed to answer 6 questions on our Ecology Footprint Reflection.

Here is my reflection:

My Ecological Footprint

Ma Ville – Français

Le mois dernier dans la classe de français, nous avons appris les directions et les endroits.

Pour notre nouveau projet, nous avons dû créer notre propre ville.

Au début, j’ai construit ma ville. Dans ma ville, il y a 10 points de repère, tels que- le quartier, le magasin, l’hôpital, la caserne des pompiers, la gendarmerie, le boulangerie, la bibliothèque, le librairie, le marché, et la banque. Il y a aussi 10 rues françaises, trois panneaux d’arrêt, et trois feux de circulation.

J’ai aussi un point de départ dans le quartier, et un point d’arrivée dans le boulangerie.

À la fin, j’ai écrit des instructions sur la façon de se rendre du quartier à la boulangerie.

The Pacific Ocean

On the last month, in our science class, we worked on our ecosystem project.

First, we had to choose our ecosystem- I chose the Pacific ocean.

Second, we had to do a research on our ecosystem. Click on the first link at the bottom of the post to see my research.

Third, we had to make the merge cube of our ecosystem on the application “CoSpaces”.

And lastly, we had to record an explanation video of our merge cube. Click on the link in the bottom to watch my video.

Research of the Pacific ocean.

Video of my merge cube.

My winter break

This year I had my first winter break. I had a lot of fun!

I had fun with my family, my friends and my family’s friends. The most exciting part of the break was my first time skiing. I went to Mont Cascades twice and my Mom taught me how to ski. I got it in a second! Skiing is like eating candies, so good and fun. I really like skiing. Another thing I did this winter break was skating. I got a lot better at skating, and I even learned how to do a hockey stop! Every time I do it I hear “chhhhhhh”. Every time we go on the ice for so long, it feels too short.  I went skating with my family and my friends. Honestly, the lockdown was fine. I already have been in quarantine twice, so lockdown is really fine.

A fun thing I could do through the winter break is to watch a lot of movies and TV shows. I almost finished the last season of the Amazing Race- Israel. I only need to watch the last episode. I also watched a lot of movies with my family. When we watch movies together we usually watch it on the TV in my parents’ room. When we watch funny movies it is a little annoying, because my family always laughs so loud when there is a funny part… aww, come on! Sometimes we eat popcorn when we watch movies- yummy!

Aller – français

In the last week in Mme Sylvie’s class we worked about verb aller (to go).

Here is how to conjugate the verb aller:

Je vais – Tu vas – Il/Elle/On va – Nous allons – Vous allez – Ils/Elles vont.

Here is a worksheet that we did in class: picture of the worksheet

Here is a little video that can help you learn verb aller in a fun way: video

And here are some examples of sentences with the verb aller:

  1. Je vais à l’école.
  2. Elle va à l’hôtel.
  3. Nous allons en Europe.

OJCS Set the Scene

My OJCS Set the Scene –Google Doc 

We use our 5 senses every day, every moment. How do we use our 5 senses in OJCS school? And how do we do it in the best way? I created this Google Doc to describe OJCS school and the 5 senses in OJCS school.

Throughout this assignment I worked on descriptive writing. I learned from participating in this assignment, how to describe place, without picture and only words, to someone who doesn’t know about this place enough.

I think I could improve this assignment next time, by writing the descriptive as a story.